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Insect Order Coleoptera (Beetles)

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» Order Coleoptera (Beetles)
Family in ColeopteraNumber of SpecimensNumber of Pictures
HydrophilidaeGiant Water Scavenger Beetles00
PsephenidaeWater Pennies00

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There are about 5,000 species of aquatic beetles, and I won't be including them all on this site. I've also only included certain aquatic beetles and terrestrial (Terrestrial: Insects which live on land and are fed on by trout only when they incidentally fall into the water are known as "terrestrials" to fly anglers, and they're very important in late summer.) families which I've found frequently on trout streams.

The common terrestrial (Terrestrial: Insects which live on land and are fed on by trout only when they incidentally fall into the water are known as "terrestrials" to fly anglers, and they're very important in late summer.) forms are especially important during the late summer when they get knocked into the stream in any number of ways. As far as I know there are no specific life cycle habits which toss these insects into the water in great numbers; they just become important because there are so many of them around incidentally.

Trout generally relish beetles and their imitations make great searching patterns (Searching pattern: Any artificial fly pattern used when trout that aren't feeding selectively on anything in particular. A searching pattern may be an attractor or an imitation of something specific that the fish might favor even though it's not currently hatching.).

Pictures of 7 Beetle Specimens:

Specimen Page:12
Psephenus (Water Pennies) Beetle LarvaPsephenus (Water Pennies) Beetle Larva View 4 PicturesEvery picture of this Psephenidae larva was taken with my old C740UZ through a microscope.
Collected November 15, 2004 from Fall Creek in New York
Added to by Troutnut on April 12, 2006
Polydrusus (Green Weevils) Beetle AdultPolydrusus (Green Weevils) Beetle Adult View 3 PicturesThis is an iridescent green terrestrial (Terrestrial: Insects which live on land and are fed on by trout only when they incidentally fall into the water are known as "terrestrials" to fly anglers, and they're very important in late summer.) beetle. They're common in northern Wisconsin's forests during the middle of summer, and I found them on the water's surface more than any other terrestrial (Terrestrial: Insects which live on land and are fed on by trout only when they incidentally fall into the water are known as "terrestrials" to fly anglers, and they're very important in late summer.) insect. I saw the trout take a few and caught some trout on an imitation.
Collected July 31, 2004 from the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin
Added to by Troutnut on January 25, 2006
Specimen Page:12

1 Underwater Picture of Beetles:

In this picture: Insect Order Coleoptera (Beetles). From the West Branch of the Delaware River in New York.
Date TakenMay 13, 2007
Date AddedJun 5, 2007
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi

Recent Discussions of Coleoptera

Family 1 Reply »
Posted by DMM on Nov 26, 2006 in the family Hydrophilidae
Last reply on Nov 29, 2006 by Troutnut
I noticed the ending of the family is reversed--should be -ae.

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