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Mayfly Genus Eurylophella (Chocolate Duns)

Taxonomic Navigation -?-
Species in EurylophellaNumber of SpecimensNumber of Pictures
Eurylophella bicolorChocolate Dun00
Eurylophella funeralisChocolate Dun00
Eurylophella lutulentaChocolate Dun00
Eurylophella temporalisChocolate Dun00

10 species aren't included.
Common Name
MatchCommon Name
***Chocolate Duns
Pictures Below
None of the species in this genus are recognized as significant hatches. Nevertheless, I have found their nymphs in my samples in many streams in both the East and Midwest.  

Where & When

Regions: East, Midwest

Time Of Year (?): May and June

This genus is widespread throughout the East and Midwest but rarely abundant. The few species for which emergence dates are available all emerge in May and June.

Nymph Biology

Current Speed: Slow

These nymphs probably inhabit slow water where the bottom is covered with silt or detritus (Detritus: Small, loose pieces of decaying organic matter underwater.). The operculate (
The operculate gills of a Caenis nymph.
The operculate gills of a Caenis nymph.
Operculate: Lidlike; usually used to describe the pair of enlarged elytroid gills (called the operculum) which some silt-dwelling mayfly nymphs like Caenis and Eurylophella have developed to shield their other gills from debris.
gills they possess are a common adaptation evolved by mayflies in such environments.

Pictures of 22 Mayfly Specimens in the Genus Eurylophella:

Specimen Page:123
Specimen Page:123

Recent Discussions of Eurylophella

florida mayfly nymph imitations 2 Replies »
Posted by Homer47 on Sep 5, 2012 in the species Eurylophella temporalis
Last reply on Sep 6, 2012 by Sayfu
Looks like an imitation would be about a #10 or #8 dark brown nymph pattern. I'm down here in north Fla and trying to match the hatch in the far north central part of the state, mostly to fool the bream. Any ideas or help would be appreciated. I found two patterns so far that seem to work- a little brown nymph with a rusty brown/orange thorax(maybe this is a good representation of the E. Temporalis), and a size 12 buzzer nymph with black body, peacock thorax and white breathing filament. The bream seemed to agree with that choice. I would like to try and copy more local insects as I figure out what they are.There are dragonflies and damselflies and mosquitoes. I could start there.

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