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Male Onocosmoecus unicolor (Great Late-Summer Sedge) Caddisfly Adult Pictures

 I first just assumed this was Dicosmoecus based on anglers' conventional wisdom since it's a large orange "October caddis," but Creno set me straight. I should have keyed it out. After another look under the microscope, it lacks an anepisternal wart on the mesopleuron (Mesopleuron: The side of the insect mesothorax, and the part to which the fore wings are attached in mayflies.), which rules out Dicosmoecus. The midtibiae have 2 apical (Apical: Close to the apex; tip or end.) spurs and 1 pre-apical (Apical: Close to the apex; tip or end.) spur, and from there the color pattern of the wing points to Onocosmoecus. The location then narrows the species to unicolor.

This caddisfly was collected from the Yakima River on September 17th, 2020 and added to on September 19th, 2020.

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mean one thing, write another? 2 Replies »
Posted by Creno on Sep 19, 2020
Last reply on Sep 20, 2020 by Creno
Onocosmoecus unicolor?

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