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> > SE Minnesota

HighFlyerAugust 11th, 2008, 11:17 am

Posts: 24
Hi, first time poster, just found this site.

I looked through a few pages and didn't see any threads regarding fly fishing for trout in the SE Minnesota area. Is there anyone on here who fishes this area?

A buddy and I started fly fishing this summer and have both fallen in love with the sport. We've visited a few different southeastern Minnesota streams already this summer; Hay Creek, Middle Branch Whitewater River, Trout Run Creek, North Branch Whitewater River, Little Cannon River, Spring Creek. We've had limited success, due to just learning. I did just catch my first good sized trout two days ago; about a 9 in. Rainbow.

I'd love to get any and all advice/tips that anyone has to offer. And of course if anyone has any specific knowledge of the streams in this area, that would be awesome. I intend to visit the area of Whitewater and Trout Run Creek a lot more often, as it's absolutely beautiful.

Even advice you think might be common knowledge... throw it at me. I want to soak up as much as I can and I very well might be missing some basics in the process.

Thanks in advance.
"Calling Fly Fishing a hobby is like calling Brain Surgery a job."
~by Paul Schullery~

"Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after."
~by Henry David Thoreau~
DreedeeAugust 12th, 2008, 9:37 am
Posts: 16
Hello High Flyer:

I have fished SE Minnesota often, though it's now been a few years.

I would advise that you learn your streamcraft, and learn about the aquatic insects. The caddis and mayflies in SE are generally small. Fish with Elk Hair Caddis in about #18. Parachute Adams in #18 to #22. Griffith's Gnats in #20-22. Pheasant tail nymphs and hare's ears are always a good bet. During August and September, add tricos (for the morning hatch), a #14 beetle, and a small hopper pattern, like Shenk's Letort Hopper. Keep those tippets long, and around 6x.

Best of all, get to know the good fishermen in the area.

Hope this helps.
HighFlyerAugust 12th, 2008, 3:26 pm

Posts: 24
Absolutely it helps! Like I say, I'm brand spankin' new to the sport, so everything helps.

"Calling Fly Fishing a hobby is like calling Brain Surgery a job."
~by Paul Schullery~

"Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after."
~by Henry David Thoreau~
PCfishesAugust 14th, 2008, 6:09 am
John Carrier

Posts: 3
I live in SE MN, and am available for guiding and fly fishing instruction. CHEAP, too!

But, so as to not make this seem like a bald-faced advertisement.... Feel free to side bar with me for a chat on particulars.

I live in Winona, which is shooting distance from a great diversity and number of trout streams, ranging from little brushy creeks and native brookies to large, easy to fish broadwaters.

So, blowing out my usual reticence to reveal hotspots, the three best spots to try: Beaver Creek in the Sheldon area (Houston County), Garvin Brook near Stockton (Winona County), and the Whitewater River (traverses three counties. The Root River is also excellent, but it is a lot of water, swift, and you kind of need to know where to go on its many branches. My favorite is a stretch near Choice in Filmore County.
- -
I'm for hire! Fly fishing guiding, fly fishing lessons, fly tying.
Email me, if you would like to set a date to go fishing sometime.
HighFlyerAugust 14th, 2008, 10:42 am

Posts: 24
Hey John,

I could see my friend and I hiring you some time. We don't know any experienced fly fishermen to learn from, so hiring someone might be the best way to have someone critique us and give us some helpful hints... while also guiding us to the fish.

We were just down at Whitewater and I caught my first Rainbow there. We were fishing the wrong time of the day and I was using the wrong flies. Next time I should do better. I also want to go back to Trout Run sometime. The wild Brown's in there were taunting me, telling me to come back when they're hungry. So an early morning trip will be in order there.

"Calling Fly Fishing a hobby is like calling Brain Surgery a job."
~by Paul Schullery~

"Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after."
~by Henry David Thoreau~
FlybyknightAugust 14th, 2008, 5:50 pm
Milton, DE

Posts: 82
About 50 years ago I was on maneuvers in Camp Ripley, MN.
The headwaters of the Mississippi are just to the North.
As I recall the current was really ripping through the
reservation. It looked like a great trout stream. Can anyone
confirm or refute that premise?
Lightly on the dimpling eddy fling;
the hypocritic fly's unruffled wing.
Thomas Scott
HighFlyerAugust 15th, 2008, 5:09 am

Posts: 24

The headwaters of the Mississippi are actually more well known for smallmouth bass. It is a destination that is on my list. If no one else has any feedback, I'll make sure to update whenever I go (which probably won't be till next spring at this point).
"Calling Fly Fishing a hobby is like calling Brain Surgery a job."
~by Paul Schullery~

"Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after."
~by Henry David Thoreau~

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