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Landscape & scenery photos from Miscellaneous

I felt an overwhelming urge to obey this sign. From Cache Creek Road in Alaska.
I felt an overwhelming urge to obey this sign.
Date TakenSep 10, 2013
Date AddedSep 12, 2013
Here's a panorama of the Wrangell Mountains, viewed from a pullout overlooking Willow Lake along the Richardson Highway near Glennallen, Alaska.  A day this clear is rare, and the view is spectacular.  You have to view it full-sized to begin to appreciate what it's like scanning this range with binoculars. From Richardson Highway in Alaska.
Here's a panorama of the Wrangell Mountains, viewed from a pullout overlooking Willow Lake along the Richardson Highway near Glennallen, Alaska. A day this clear is rare, and the view is spectacular. You have to view it full-sized to begin to appreciate what it's like scanning this range with binoculars.
Date TakenAug 11, 2011
Date AddedAug 16, 2011
 From Richardson Highway in Alaska.
Date TakenJul 8, 2007
Date AddedJul 19, 2007
 From Richardson Highway in Alaska.
Date TakenJul 8, 2007
Date AddedJul 19, 2007
Rainbow Mountain in the Alaska Range, one of the prettiest pieces of the Richardson Highway. From Richardson Highway in Alaska.
Rainbow Mountain in the Alaska Range, one of the prettiest pieces of the Richardson Highway.
Date TakenJul 17, 2011
Date AddedJul 20, 2011

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