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Stonefly Species Agnetina capitata (Golden Stone)

Pictures Below
This is the most important Perlidae species in the East.  

Where & When

Regions: East, Midwest

Time Of Year (?): June and July

Hatching Behavior

Time Of Day (?): Morning

Egg-Laying Behavior

Time Of Day: Dusk

Pictures of 4 Stonefly Specimens in the Species Agnetina capitata:

Specimen Page:12
Agnetina capitata (Golden Stone) Stonefly AdultAgnetina capitata (Golden Stone) Stonefly Adult View 8 PicturesThis stonefly emerged in my aquarium, and unfortunately I severely damaged its wings just trying to catch it. It's still an interesting specimen, especially since I was able to also photograph the nymphal shuck (
Here's an underwater view of the pupal shucks of several already-emerged Brachycentrus numerosus caddisflies.
Here's an underwater view of the pupal shucks of several already-emerged Brachycentrus numerosus caddisflies.
Shuck: The shed exoskeleton left over when an insect molts into its next stage or instar. Most often it describes the last nymphal or pupal skin exited during emergence into a winged adult.
it emerged from. I was surprised by just how light it was shortly after emerging. I photographed it a couple days later when it had darkened considerably; it was a pale, almost pastel yellow at first.
Collected May 1, 2007 from Aquarium in New York
Added to by Troutnut on May 3, 2007
Agnetina capitata (Golden Stone) Stonefly NymphAgnetina capitata (Golden Stone) Stonefly Nymph View 3 PicturesI took a few closeup pictures of this stonely with my old camera and a microscope.
Collected November 15, 2004 from Fall Creek in New York
Added to by Troutnut on April 12, 2006
Specimen Page:12

Recent Discussions of Agnetina capitata

Cultus verticalis? 8 Replies »
Posted by DOS on Mar 31, 2009
Last reply on Apr 1, 2009 by Troutnut
Hello gentlemen,

Again I come to you for guidance...

While monkeying around today in the aquarium, I flipped over a rock and this guy came scurrying out. I have recently been studying A. capitata and realized immediately that this might be a different species. Until now, I had thought that A. capitata was the only "golden stone" I had collected here in WNY to date, however I guess now I have one more under my belt! Is it weird that this excites me??

When I do my collecting on the stream and bring the insects home, I attempt to snap a pic of each before I place them in the aquarium, sort of a photographic inventory. This guy must have been hiding somewhere and was overlooked in that process.

So, anyone want to go out on a limb and confirm this as Cultus verticalis? Other than a measured length of 19mm, I can't really offer up any identifying features that aren't visible in the pictures. I don't have access to the M&C key. Anyone know if its posted online? I'll search my school library in a moment.

If it is C. verticalis, I've noticed that neither genus or species appear on the USGS Stoneflies of New York list. I see that Jason originally coded his specimen to the genus Arcynopteryx which contains three species. Again, none appear anywhere near WNY on the USGS list. Any other ideas of a possible alternative ID?

If its not on the list, anyone know if and how I can submit my findings? Also, what is your experience with the USGS lists in regards to its accuracy and completeness? This and other instances have me thinking there are some holes in the data.

Unfortunately, this specimen perished as I was photographing it. I was hoping it would survive so that it might emerge and I could get snap photos as an adult. Tomorrow I'm heading to the location where I collected him to see if I can determine abundance in relation to A. capitata, as obviously the share the same lotic environment.

Thanks in advance!

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