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Updates from June 9, 2005

Photos by Troutnut from the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin

Here I'm looking through the sampling net for interesting nymphs, some of which ended up on this site. From the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin.
Here I'm looking through the sampling net for interesting nymphs, some of which ended up on this site.
Date TakenJun 9, 2005
Date AddedFeb 8, 2006
This looks like a normal lake at first, but it's actually a natural, shallow widening in the channel of a famous trout stream.  On clear days canoeists drift through and watch small trout and suckers swim beneath them.  Large brown trout lay hidden in the weeds, hard to catch during the day but a fun challenge for any angler willing to brave the mosquitoes. From the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin.
This looks like a normal lake at first, but it's actually a natural, shallow widening in the channel of a famous trout stream. On clear days canoeists drift through and watch small trout and suckers swim beneath them. Large brown trout lay hidden in the weeds, hard to catch during the day but a fun challenge for any angler willing to brave the mosquitoes.
Date TakenJun 9, 2005
Date AddedFeb 8, 2006
A Canada goose and gosling poke their heads out of the grass along a trout stream. From the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin.
A Canada goose and gosling poke their heads out of the grass along a trout stream.
Date TakenJun 9, 2005
Date AddedFeb 8, 2006
Cedar sweepers line the fertile spring creek headwaters of a famous trout stream. From the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin.
Cedar sweepers line the fertile spring creek headwaters of a famous trout stream.
Date TakenJun 9, 2005
Date AddedFeb 8, 2006
Here I'm tying on a fly in the middle of a warm summer day.  Despite the conditions, the trout responded well. From the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin.
Here I'm tying on a fly in the middle of a warm summer day. Despite the conditions, the trout responded well.
Date TakenJun 9, 2005
Date AddedFeb 8, 2006
A canada goose looks over some large, downy goslings. From the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin.
A canada goose looks over some large, downy goslings.
Date TakenJun 9, 2005
Date AddedFeb 8, 2006
 From the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin.
Date TakenJun 9, 2005
Date AddedFeb 8, 2006
Gnarled cedars twist out over a nice trout stream. From the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin.
Gnarled cedars twist out over a nice trout stream.
Date TakenJun 9, 2005
Date AddedFeb 8, 2006

Closeup insects by Troutnut from the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin

Male Baetidae (Blue-Winged Olives) Mayfly NymphMale Baetidae (Blue-Winged Olives) Mayfly Nymph View 10 PicturesThis male nymph is probably in its final instar (Instar: Many invertebrates molt through dozens of progressively larger and better-developed stages as they grow. Each of these stages is known as an instar. Hard-bodied nymphs typically molt through more instars than soft-bodied larvae.). The wing pads (
The wing pads on this final instar Baetidae mayfly nymph are extremely dark.
The wing pads on this final instar Baetidae mayfly nymph are extremely dark.
Wing pad: A protrusion from the thorax of an insect nymph which holds the developing wings. Black wing pads usually indicate that the nymph is nearly ready to emerge into an adult.
are extremely black and the large turbinate (
This male Baetidae dun has slightly turbinate eyes.
This male Baetidae dun has slightly turbinate eyes.
Turbinate: Shaped like a top or elevated on a stalk; usually refers to the eyes of some adult male Baetidae mayflies which are wider near the tip than at the base.
eyes are very apparent inside the nymph's head.
Collected June 9, 2005 from the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin
Added to by Troutnut on May 26, 2006
Teloganopsis deficiens (Little Black Quill) Mayfly NymphTeloganopsis deficiens (Little Black Quill) Mayfly Nymph View 6 PicturesThis nymph has tiny, barely detectable tubercles (
A few (not all) of the abdominal tubercles on this Ephemerella needhami nymph are circled.  They are especially large in this species.
A few (not all) of the abdominal tubercles on this Ephemerella needhami nymph are circled. They are especially large in this species.
Tubercle: Various peculiar little bumps or projections on an insect. Their character is important for the identification of many kinds of insects, such as the nymphs of Ephemerellidae mayflies.
on its abdominal segments, and I could not find the maxillary palpi. I have tentatively guessed that it is Serratella deficiens.
Collected June 9, 2005 from the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin
Added to by Troutnut on May 26, 2006
Ephemerella needhami (Little Dark Hendrickson) Mayfly NymphEphemerella needhami (Little Dark Hendrickson) Mayfly Nymph View 6 PicturesI photographed three strange striped Ephemerella nymphs from the same trip on the same river: this one, a brown one, and a very very striped one. I have tentatively put them all in Ephemerella needhami for now.
Collected June 9, 2005 from the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin
Added to by Troutnut on May 26, 2006
Ephemerella excrucians (Pale Morning Dun) Mayfly NymphEphemerella excrucians (Pale Morning Dun) Mayfly Nymph View 5 PicturesI spent (Spent: The wing position of many aquatic insects when they fall on the water after mating. The wings of both sides lay flat on the water. The word may be used to describe insects with their wings in that position, as well as the position itself.) a while with a microscope to fairly positively identify this specimen as Ephemerella excrucians.
Collected June 9, 2005 from the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin
Added to by Troutnut on May 26, 2006
Maccaffertium vicarium (March Brown) Mayfly NymphMaccaffertium vicarium (March Brown) Mayfly Nymph View 3 PicturesI keyed this nymph to Stenonema fuscom, which is now synonymized with Maccaffertium vicarium. However, the size, markings, and time of year make me very skeptical of this identification.
Collected June 9, 2005 from the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin
Added to by Troutnut on May 26, 2006
Ephemerella needhami (Little Dark Hendrickson) Mayfly NymphEphemerella needhami (Little Dark Hendrickson) Mayfly Nymph View 3 PicturesI photographed three strange striped Ephemerella nymphs from the same trip on the same river: a black and olive one, a brown one, and this one. I have tentatively put them all in Ephemerella needhami for now.
Collected June 9, 2005 from the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin
Added to by Troutnut on May 26, 2006
Ephemerella needhami (Little Dark Hendrickson) Mayfly NymphEphemerella needhami (Little Dark Hendrickson) Mayfly Nymph View 2 PicturesI photographed three strange striped Ephemerella nymphs from the same trip on the same river: a black and olive one, this one, and a very very striped one. I have tentatively put them all in Ephemerella needhami for now.
Collected June 9, 2005 from the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin
Added to by Troutnut on May 26, 2006

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