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> > Minto Flats

Landscape & scenery photos from Minto Flats

 From Minto Flats in Alaska.
LocationMinto Flats
Date TakenJul 2, 2007
Date AddedJul 18, 2007
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
This sky was the perfect scenic complement to the wide-open marsh where we were pike fishing. From Minto Flats in Alaska.
This sky was the perfect scenic complement to the wide-open marsh where we were pike fishing.
LocationMinto Flats
Date TakenJul 2, 2007
Date AddedJul 18, 2007
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
These caches are used by Alaskan natives to store supplies for pike-harvesting season in this network of sloughs and lakes.  That's a raven on top of the left one. From Minto Flats in Alaska.
These caches are used by Alaskan natives to store supplies for pike-harvesting season in this network of sloughs and lakes. That's a raven on top of the left one.
LocationMinto Flats
Date TakenJul 1, 2007
Date AddedJul 18, 2007
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
A cow moose with her calf clamber out of the slough we were fishing for pike. From Minto Flats in Alaska.
A cow moose with her calf clamber out of the slough we were fishing for pike.
LocationMinto Flats
Date TakenJul 1, 2007
Date AddedJul 18, 2007
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
Talk about a bad hair day.  This chartreuse/everglow deceiver had been through about 15 northern pike already. From Minto Flats in Alaska.
Talk about a bad hair day. This chartreuse/everglow deceiver had been through about 15 northern pike already.
LocationMinto Flats
Date TakenJul 2, 2007
Date AddedJul 18, 2007
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi

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