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Closeup insects from the Bois Brule River

Ephemerella needhami (Little Dark Hendrickson) Mayfly NymphEphemerella needhami (Little Dark Hendrickson) Mayfly Nymph View 6 PicturesI photographed three strange striped Ephemerella nymphs from the same trip on the same river: this one, a brown one, and a very very striped one. I have tentatively put them all in Ephemerella needhami for now.
Collected June 9, 2005 from the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin
Added to by Troutnut on May 26, 2006
Ephemerella excrucians (Pale Morning Dun) Mayfly NymphEphemerella excrucians (Pale Morning Dun) Mayfly Nymph View 5 PicturesI spent (Spent: The wing position of many aquatic insects when they fall on the water after mating. The wings of both sides lay flat on the water. The word may be used to describe insects with their wings in that position, as well as the position itself.) a while with a microscope to fairly positively identify this specimen as Ephemerella excrucians.
Collected June 9, 2005 from the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin
Added to by Troutnut on May 26, 2006
Cicadidae (Cicadas) Cicada AdultCicadidae (Cicadas) True Bug Adult View 4 PicturesI found this cicada and several like it in the grass near my car as I put my waders on. Some of them were singing in the trees above the river, too, but I did not see any fall into the water.
Collected July 1, 2005 from the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin
Added to by Troutnut on April 22, 2006
Polydrusus (Green Weevils) Beetle AdultPolydrusus (Green Weevils) Beetle Adult View 3 PicturesThis is an iridescent green terrestrial (Terrestrial: Insects which live on land and are fed on by trout only when they incidentally fall into the water are known as "terrestrials" to fly anglers, and they're very important in late summer.) beetle. They're common in northern Wisconsin's forests during the middle of summer, and I found them on the water's surface more than any other terrestrial (Terrestrial: Insects which live on land and are fed on by trout only when they incidentally fall into the water are known as "terrestrials" to fly anglers, and they're very important in late summer.) insect. I saw the trout take a few and caught some trout on an imitation.
Collected July 31, 2004 from the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin
Added to by Troutnut on January 25, 2006
Leptophlebia (Black Quills and Blue Quills) Mayfly NymphLeptophlebia (Black Quills and Blue Quills) Mayfly Nymph View 5 PicturesI think this one might be Leptophlebia intermedia.
Collected February 5, 2004 from the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin
Added to by Troutnut on January 25, 2006
Maccaffertium vicarium (March Brown) Mayfly NymphMaccaffertium vicarium (March Brown) Mayfly Nymph View 3 PicturesI keyed this nymph to Stenonema fuscom, which is now synonymized with Maccaffertium vicarium. However, the size, markings, and time of year make me very skeptical of this identification.
Collected June 9, 2005 from the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin
Added to by Troutnut on May 26, 2006
Female Ephemerella subvaria (Hendrickson) Mayfly SpinnerFemale Ephemerella subvaria (Hendrickson) Mayfly Spinner View 3 PicturesThis one's a bit bedraggled because it was rainy and I had a hard time keeping anything dry, including the container I was putting mayflies in. I was practically juggling up there balanced on a rock trying to catch mayflies and trout at the same time.
Collected May 19, 2004 from the Bois Brule River in Wisconsin
Added to by Troutnut on January 25, 2006

Recent Discussions of the Bois Brule River

first time visitors. staying in Brule. 1 Reply »
Posted by Kclubepro on Jul 9, 2018
Last reply on Jul 9, 2018 by Troutnut
My wife and I will be visiting Brule in Mid-July, staying for several days. Any advice on fly fishing spots on the Brule River would be appreciated

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