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> > The Atigun River

Landscape & scenery photos from the Atigun River

This view of the pipeline, the Atigun River, and an impressive sunset/rise was one of my first views of the North Slope as I came through Atigun Pass in the middle of the night. From the Atigun River in Alaska.
This view of the pipeline, the Atigun River, and an impressive sunset/rise was one of my first views of the North Slope as I came through Atigun Pass in the middle of the night.
LocationAtigun River
Date TakenSep 2, 2007
Date AddedMay 1, 2011
 From the Atigun River in Alaska.
LocationAtigun River
Date TakenSep 3, 2007
Date AddedMay 2, 2011
 From the Atigun River in Alaska.
LocationAtigun River
Date TakenSep 4, 2007
Date AddedMay 1, 2011

Recent Discussions of the Atigun River

Atigun float 1 Reply »
Posted by Sci on May 21, 2022
Last reply on May 21, 2022 by Troutnut
Hello Jason,
Just wondering if you floated the Antigun to the Sag and then back to the Highway or did you hike in from the road to get those awesome photos?

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