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> > Possible PED mayfly ( Epeourus)

Leskorcala has attached these 5 pictures to aid in identification. The message is below.
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LeskorcalaAugust 24th, 2020, 7:46 pm
Posts: 16hello, In late July and first week of august I spotted many 2 winged mayflies spinners on the walls of my house (I live about 20 yards from the edge of Bitterroot river, MT ) All of the spinner adults had 2 tails
I have narrowed down by size, tail numbers,emergence to family Heptageniidea , Genus Empeours I believe its E. albertae species. The Slate cream dun
Hope someone can conform this for me. I am in process doing year long project identify all teh major hatches on my home river, hope to get it done next year.
MartinlfAugust 26th, 2020, 4:49 pm
Palmyra PA

Posts: 3233
When Roger sees this he'll probably give you an ID.
"He spread them a yard and a half. 'And every one that got away is this big.'"

--Fred Chappell
TaxonAugust 26th, 2020, 8:25 pm
Site Editor
Royse City, TX

Posts: 1350
Well Louis, would if I could, but frankly, I'm thoroughly stumped.
Best regards,
Roger Rohrbeck
MartinlfAugust 27th, 2020, 8:34 pm
Palmyra PA

Posts: 3233
"He spread them a yard and a half. 'And every one that got away is this big.'"

--Fred Chappell
TroutnutSeptember 3rd, 2020, 10:35 pm
Bellevue, WA

Posts: 2737
Hi Les,

Very nice pictures!

I think this probably is Epeorus. From the fourth picture, it looks like the first two tarsal segments are approximately the same length, which usually points to that genus.

I don't think the species is albertae, unless I have misidentified the specimens labeled as albertae on this site, including this one most recently. The coloration of the abdomen is very different, and I seem to recall the spots on the femora are a key feature of albertae as well.

Unfortunately I'm not sure what species it is, as I don't have my ID resources with me at the moment on a trip.
Jason Neuswanger, Ph.D.
Troutnut and salmonid ecologist
LeskorcalaSeptember 10th, 2020, 9:08 pm
Posts: 16Thanks Jason for your feedback. this is very popular hatch on my home water , lot of anglers would call them PMD but the 2 tail is easy giveaway
sorry in my original post I said 2 winged mayfly ( I was referring to 2 tail mayfly ) anyway , I can see now looking at some references images where spots on femora are absent on this mayfly.

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