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> > Mystery Creek # 56

About "Mystery Creeks": I love small streams, but some of my favorite little trout streams are too small and too fragile to publicize here. If you recognize one of these, you already understand why I'm keeping it a secret. These are the kinds of places that lose a little bit of their charm if you see someone else's week-old footprint, and I don't want to do that to them.

Landscape & scenery photos from Mystery Creek # 56

Chunky male brook trout and the best fish of the day From Mystery Creek # 56 in Wisconsin.
Chunky male brook trout and the best fish of the day
Date TakenSep 11, 2019
Date AddedSep 14, 2019
CameraNIKON 1 AW1
Interesting vegetation grows around this shallow, remote spring pond at the headwaters of an obscure trout stream. From Mystery Creek # 56 in Wisconsin.
Interesting vegetation grows around this shallow, remote spring pond at the headwaters of an obscure trout stream.
Date TakenMay 28, 2005
Date AddedFeb 8, 2006
Recent forest service work has stabilized the alder-lined banks of this small trout stream and opened it up to sunlight, which helps increase its productivity. From Mystery Creek # 56 in Wisconsin.
Recent forest service work has stabilized the alder-lined banks of this small trout stream and opened it up to sunlight, which helps increase its productivity.
Date TakenMay 28, 2005
Date AddedFeb 8, 2006
This remote small brookie stream rarely gets fished, and perhaps for good reason.  I couldn't find any trout. From Mystery Creek # 56 in Wisconsin.
This remote small brookie stream rarely gets fished, and perhaps for good reason. I couldn't find any trout.
Date TakenMay 28, 2005
Date AddedFeb 8, 2006
First brookie from Venison Creek From Mystery Creek # 56 in Wisconsin.
First brookie from Venison Creek
Date TakenSep 11, 2019
Date AddedSep 14, 2019
CameraNIKON 1 AW1

On-stream insect photos from Mystery Creek # 56

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I took this picture of a scud from above the water's surface in a very shallow, clear, tiny bit of water at the margin of a little spring pond. From Mystery Creek # 56 in Wisconsin.
I took this picture of a scud from above the water's surface in a very shallow, clear, tiny bit of water at the margin of a little spring pond.
Date TakenMay 28, 2005
Date AddedFeb 8, 2006

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