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> > What's everybody Tying

David82ndMay 31st, 2017, 10:02 am
Upstate,New York

Posts: 63
Today the forecast was for rain and thunderstorms , they were wrong , but I decided not to head to the river this morning based on the so-called accurate weatherman...argh! I sat at the vice tying some poly wing spinners as well as a few other patterns , What's everyone tying
RogueratMay 31st, 2017, 11:15 am
Posts: 472
tying for the next few weeks' hatches, and concentrating (for once!) on spinners since I've tended to tie LOTS of nymphs and duns that will rarely be fished...gotta diversify, try something I've ignored too much.

March Browns, Iso's, the drakes and other stuff for 'up north' is going into the vise.


'Less is more...'

Ludwig Mies Vande Rohe
RogueratMay 31st, 2017, 11:24 am
Posts: 472
David82ndMay 31st, 2017, 3:51 pm
Upstate,New York

Posts: 63
I'm caught up on all my nymphs for now , this evening I've been tying " spiders " orange/ w partridge. Simple but effective
WbranchJune 2nd, 2017, 7:40 am
York & Starlight PA

Posts: 2733
Right now, and for the past five weeks, I've not tied a single fly. I had cataract surgery on my right eye April 17, and on my left eye on May 08. Now my intermediate and distance vision is 20/20 without glasses my close-up vision is totally gone. Prior to the surgery I was able to tie to #22 with out my eyeglasses and now I can't tie anything. I go back in two weeks for a vision exam and to determine what prescription eyeglasses I need for reading, computer, and most important, tying flies. I have a couple of pairs of readers now for the computer 2.50 & 2.75 diopters. I bought a pair of 2.5X magnification Flip Focals to tie knots and change flies on the stream and change flies. They work very well but I must wear the readers in addition to the Flip Focal for them to work.

I am hoping I can get a prescription where I don't have to constantly be putting on, and taking off, a pair of readers. I'm hoping I can get one pair of glasses to read and tie flies and the upper portion of the lens will have no prescription so I can leave them on.

God forbid if I can no longer tie #16 - #22 I will be very disappointed. Fortunately I have hundreds of flies that have yet to see water. In past winters I might spend an entire week tying Baetis duns and emergers in #18 - #22. Then the next week Ep. dorothea duns and emergers and so on and so forth. Without any exaggeration I am quite sure I have enough unused flies to last the rest of my lifetime. But it is still a pleasure to tie and keeps me from getting bored over the long winters when I don't fish.

Catskill fly fisher for fifty-five years.
David82ndJune 2nd, 2017, 8:37 am
Upstate,New York

Posts: 63
Wow , I hope all goes okay/w you're eyes , I to have rely on the store " cheaters " when I tie, Not being able to tie would not be good for me I love it and no matter how many I have I keep tying for the enjoyment , again hope all works out ok/ w you're vision
WbranchJune 2nd, 2017, 8:51 am
York & Starlight PA

Posts: 2733
Thank you David. You should be out fishing now. The Green drakes have to be on the BK about now. Also the lower EB should be seeing drakes now. One of my favorite places is behind the rest area on the Quickway.
Catskill fly fisher for fifty-five years.
David82ndJune 2nd, 2017, 12:47 pm
Upstate,New York

Posts: 63
Ahhhhh, I know exactly that area , ( wink). ThNk you buddy , had list of to-dos today , but the weekend is here I will be hiding from the weekend warriors but I will but deep in the woods all over Delaware county and a few other spots

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