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> > green drake

The Specimen

Ephemera guttulata (Green Drake) Mayfly DunEphemera guttulata (Green Drake) Mayfly Dun View 16 PicturesIt's about time I got a green drake on this site!
Collected June 1, 2007 from the West Branch of the Delaware River in New York
Added to by on June 4, 2007

The Discussion

RoytopApril 19th, 2008, 1:49 pm

Posts: 1
how about some spinner pics
TroutnutApril 19th, 2008, 3:09 pm
Bellevue, WA

Posts: 2737
I've got 19 of 'em, from 2 different specimens. Just go to my Green Drake page.
Jason Neuswanger, Ph.D.
Troutnut and salmonid ecologist
AdirmanJune 1st, 2011, 4:37 pm
Monticello, NY

Posts: 505
I thought that a Green Drake spinner was essentially a Coffin fly? Yes?/No?
TroutnutJune 1st, 2011, 7:35 pm
Bellevue, WA

Posts: 2737
Yes Adirman, coffin fly is a common name for a green drake spinner. Exact same thing.
Jason Neuswanger, Ph.D.
Troutnut and salmonid ecologist

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