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> > The Caney Fork

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Report at a Glance

General RegionMiddle TN
Specific LocationThe Caney Fork tail water
Time of Day8:30
Fish CaughtSmall rainbows, 1 brown

Details and Discussion

MlatimerMay 28th, 2019, 6:48 am
Posts: 4 I got to the river at around 8:30, a little later than I had planned. I was greeted by lots of fisherman, which I expected and don’t mind. I walked down the bank a short ways and found my self a nice spot not too close to anyone else and setup shop. I brought spinning gear and fly gear just to have fun and see what I could catch. This was also a scouting run for any potential hatches. For fly selection I was running a brown larva type fly and then about 2 foot up the leader I had a zebra midge type pattern. Originally my plan was for two zebra midge because they are known to be a good all around choice for the Caney Fork. Sadly when I checked my stock I had only one and it lacked any weight, which prompted the weighted larva. A wake up call to restock my fly box. The bite was alright. I managed to catch only two rainbows with my less than stellar fly combo, which I kind of expected. The day did turn around however when I caught my first ever brown trout. Not a giant by any means but not too shabby. I didn’t find much in terms of hatches or insects, but I did note lots of fish hitting things on the surface earlier in the morning. Over all a success with lessons learned. Along with restocking my fly inventory I think a leader change is in order. I had used a spare in a pinch on a previous outing and forgot to change it. I can’t recall the exact weight but I know it’s on the heavy side, which I feel contributed to my lack of success. I’m ready to try again as soon as I can get out! Maybe the kayakers will halt their assault on the trout waters of Tennessee? A guy can dream.

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