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> > Flat Creek Jackson Wyoming

Trnnflt has attached this picture to aid in identification. The message is below.
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TrnnfltJanuary 2nd, 2017, 3:58 am
Jackson Wyoming

Posts: 1
Saw this brown mayfly on my door the august morning i arrived in jackson hole at the Elk Refuge Hotel cross the road from flat creek in Jackson Hole.
I'm new to learning about these aquatic insects and wondered what this one is?
MillcreekJanuary 2nd, 2017, 8:29 am
Healdsburg, CA

Posts: 356
Michael- It looks like a male subimago Callibaetis species.

TaxonJanuary 2nd, 2017, 8:31 am
Site Editor
Royse City, TX

Posts: 1350
Hi Michael-

I believe your avatar image to be that of a male subimago (dun) of genus Callibaetis, which is also known by the common name of Speckledwinged Dun, among numerous others.
Best regards,
Roger Rohrbeck

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