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> > What in the world are these things ?

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TuckcastJuly 14th, 2019, 11:22 am
Posts: 2I took these from the mouth of a trout I caught in Oil Creek in
NW PA. I occasionally find these in the mouths of fish in this stream. These bugs were out of water for about 8 hrs when I remembered about them. As soon
as I put them in water 2 of them just took off swimming. The 3rd one had expired. What I’d like to know is: Are these fish food or parasites of some sort? The large one is about a size 18 nymph hook.
TaxonJuly 14th, 2019, 6:44 pm
Site Editor
Royse City, TX

Posts: 1350
Hi Tuckcast-

Welcome to this site, :-)
Best regards,
Roger Rohrbeck
MillcreekJuly 14th, 2019, 6:46 pm
Healdsburg, CA

Posts: 356
I think they may be Argulus americanus. It's a parasite. Further information can be found here;
TuckcastJuly 15th, 2019, 4:04 am
Posts: 2Thanks so much for the ID. I
Guess I won’t bother trying to tie an imitation.

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