These are glossosomatids, Jason.  They are probably Glossosoma nigrior, though it is possible that we are looking at mixed species.  The ones to the right with their aggregate of similar sized grains are classic Glossosoma, while the ones to the left with the large anchor pebbles could possibly be Agapetus.  Regardless, they're all commonly referred to as saddle case makers.  In this picture: Caddisfly Family Glossosomatidae (Saddle-case Makers). From Spring Creek in Wisconsin.
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These are glossosomatids, Jason. They are probably Glossosoma nigrior, though it is possible that we are looking at mixed species. The ones to the right with their aggregate of similar sized grains are classic Glossosoma, while the ones to the left with the large anchor pebbles could possibly be Agapetus. Regardless, they're all commonly referred to as saddle case makers.
In this picture: Caddisfly Family Glossosomatidae (Saddle-case Makers).

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About is a collection of pictures and information about fly fishing. Fly fishermen, fly tiers, and trout enthusiasts of all stripes can learn more about life beneath the surface of trout streams, as well as how to better imitate aquatic insects with artificial flies to catch trout. There are aquatic insect pictures, underwater pictures, landscape pictures, and a comprehensive reference to the common names of trout stream insects.