Underwater Pictures from Trout Streams, Page 4
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This is a close-up underwater view of a
stillborn (Stillborn: In fly fishing, a stillborn insect is one which got stuck in its nymphal or pupal shuck during emergence and floats helplessly on the surface instead of flying away. It is a specific class of cripple, although it is sometimes used interchangeably with that term.) Ephemerella subvaria (Henrickson) female dun.
In this picture: Mayfly Species Ephemerella subvaria (Hendrickson).Date AddedApr 22, 2006
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
Date AddedApr 21, 2011
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
Date AddedOct 3, 2006
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
Date AddedOct 3, 2006
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
Date AddedOct 3, 2006
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
Several brookies gather in a warm tributary to a trout stream in the winter. This is the same location as many of the other brookie school photos on this site, but it's a couple generations later.
Date AddedMar 8, 2007
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
This is a tailed frog, genus Ascaphus that lives in cold fast streams of the west. Perhaps this critter is one reason that leech flies work in some trout streams.
Date AddedAug 9, 2011
CameraNIKON D300
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