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> > The Klutina River

Landscape & scenery photos from the Klutina River

This glacial river's blue-green water is incredibly opaque, but much prettier than the gray-brown of most other glacial rivers.  It is also fishable, though I prefer more clarity. From the Klutina River in Alaska.
This glacial river's blue-green water is incredibly opaque, but much prettier than the gray-brown of most other glacial rivers. It is also fishable, though I prefer more clarity.
Date TakenJul 15, 2007
Date AddedJul 19, 2007
The lack of access on this large river makes combat fishing the norm for anyone who hasn't planned ahead and got a permit from the native tribe controlling the land above the river.  It's a choice between this and trespassing.  I fished for about 20 minutes before I got tired of it and headed to a different stream. From the Klutina River in Alaska.
The lack of access on this large river makes combat fishing the norm for anyone who hasn't planned ahead and got a permit from the native tribe controlling the land above the river. It's a choice between this and trespassing. I fished for about 20 minutes before I got tired of it and headed to a different stream.
Date TakenJul 15, 2007
Date AddedJul 19, 2007
 From the Klutina River in Alaska.
Date TakenJul 15, 2007
Date AddedJul 19, 2007
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi

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