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> > Mystery Creek # 249

About "Mystery Creeks": I love small streams, but some of my favorite little trout streams are too small and too fragile to publicize here. If you recognize one of these, you already understand why I'm keeping it a secret. These are the kinds of places that lose a little bit of their charm if you see someone else's week-old footprint, and I don't want to do that to them.

Closeup insects from Mystery Creek # 249

Female Siphlonurus autumnalis (Gray Drake) Mayfly SpinnerFemale Siphlonurus autumnalis (Gray Drake) Mayfly Spinner View 8 PicturesI found this specimen and saw a few more of its kind during midday on a small, steep, rocky creek fairly high in the Cascades, different from the previously reported habitats of its species.
Collected September 29, 2020 from Mystery Creek #249 in Washington
Added to by Troutnut on November 10, 2020
Male Baetis flavistriga (BWO) Mayfly NymphMale Baetis flavistriga (BWO) Mayfly Nymph View 8 PicturesThis nymph keys to Baetis assuming the villipore is present (hard to see in my photos or scope), and within that genus it tentatively keys to the flavistriga species complex, of which Baetis flavistriga itself is by far the most common in Washington state, so that's the most likely ID.
Collected July 6, 2020 from Mystery Creek #249 in Washington
Added to by Troutnut on July 12, 2020
Rhyacophila (Green Sedges) Caddisfly LarvaRhyacophila (Green Sedges) Caddisfly Larva View 7 PicturesDave Ruiter identified this specimen as part of the Rhyacophila betteni group, but with over 20 species it's difficult to narrow down beyond that.
Collected July 25, 2019 from Mystery Creek #249 in Washington
Added to by Troutnut on July 26, 2019
Female Ephemerella excrucians (Pale Morning Dun) Mayfly DunFemale Ephemerella excrucians (Pale Morning Dun) Mayfly Dun View 7 PicturesAlthough there is no key to female duns, I'm calling this dun Ephemerella excrucians because I collected several mature nymphs of that species on the same trip.
Collected July 4, 2020 from Mystery Creek #249 in Washington
Added to by Troutnut on July 12, 2020

Recent Discussions of Mystery Creek # 249

Posted by PABrownie on Jul 29, 2019
Now this is what I'm talking about. Great write-up and photos!


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