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> > my fly tying corner

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my grandmother's childhood desk, now mine, a Gerstner chest from my Best Fishing Buddy three years ago, some shelves and imagination, all in a sunny corner
my grandmother's childhood desk, now mine, a Gerstner chest from my Best Fishing Buddy three years ago, some shelves and imagination, all in a sunny corner
CaseyPDecember 15th, 2008, 6:04 pm
Arlington, VA/ Mercersburg, PA

Posts: 653
in answer to Trtklr's thread about what our fly tying areas look like, herewith submitted, mine:
"You can observe a lot by watching." Yogi Berra
SofthackleDecember 15th, 2008, 8:32 pm
Site Editor
Wellsville, NY

Posts: 540
It looks very comfortable and well equipped.

"I have the highest respect for the skilled wet-fly fisherman, as he has mastered an art of very great difficulty." Edward R. Hewitt

Flymphs, Soft-hackles and Spiders:
Shawnny3December 18th, 2008, 2:55 pm
Pleasant Gap, PA

Posts: 1197
I like that a lot, Casey. My desk has terrible natural lighting, something I'm always sorry about.

Jewelry-Quality Artistic Salmon Flies, by Shawn Davis
Al514December 18th, 2008, 8:30 pm
Central New York

Posts: 142
I wish I had a shot of mine while I am in school....looks like a box full of tying materials exploded and just landed everywhere!

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