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Female Perlesta (Golden Stones) Stonefly Adult Pictures

 This stonefly species was the most common insect over the small stream I fished one August afternoon; I saw dozens in their egg-laying flights.

This stonefly was collected from Enfield Creek on August 24th, 2006 and added to on August 27th, 2006.

Recent Discussions of this Adult

Probably Perlesta
Posted by GONZO on Sep 9, 2008
I don't think this is Isoperla or even a perlodid. The little perlids of the genus Perlesta are frequently mistaken for Isoperla. Although there are a few exceptions, most Eastern Isoperla are spring or early summer emergers. Perlesta tends to be more of a summer emerger. In general appearance, the amber, brownish, or blackish wings with yellow borders are common to many Perlesta species. The nearly concolorous pronotum (often with a similar rugose pattern) and the variable darkening of the ocellar triangle are also typical of many species in this genus. Looking closer, the third photo shows long bristles along the lower front edge of the forefemur. As far as I know, these bristles are found in perlids and chloroperlids, but not in Isoperla.

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