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Caddisfly Genus Neureclipsis (Little Red Twilight Sedges)

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» Genus Neureclipsis (Little Red Twilight Sedges)
Species in NeureclipsisNumber of SpecimensNumber of Pictures
Neureclipsis crepuscularisLittle Red Twilight Sedge00

5 species aren't included.
Common Name
This genus is reported to be important on trout streams sometimes, but not often. The only species individually mentioned is not considered to be important.

Larva & Pupa Biology

Current Speed: Slow

Shelter Type: Nets
Gary LaFontaine describes the unique net arrangement of these larvae in Caddisflies:

The carnivorous larvae string their trumpet-shaped nets on debris and rooted plants poking up from the bottom. They arrange them vertically on the object, each net filtering its victims from one little slice of the water column.

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