Updates from October 7, 2006
Date AddedOct 13, 2006
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
I caught a nice brookie a few weeks earlier in this pool at the junction of a split channel in the stream. The huge fallen tree is great cover.
Lena wading across the riffle to catch up with me.
I took some neat underwater pictures of
salamander larvae in this pool a few weeks earlier.
I've caught several brookies in this hole, although on the day of this photograph I found none.
Lena sneaks up on some alleged brook trout which gave no sign of their presence to either one of us.
I try to find a brookie in a beautiful, clear pool, but with no luck.
Lena works on her casting.
I like this little moss-bottomed trickle of a tributary.
Unsuccessfully trying to find a brookie. Maybe it would help if I was looking at the fly.
Lena fishing a nice hole.
Lena fishes a brookie hole.
Lena casting.
Well, this is one way to make 'em pose... keep them on the line!
This one settled next to the camera pretty nicely as soon as I let off the tension.
Date AddedOct 13, 2006
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
I love this mossy plant on so many of the rocks in this stream.
Date AddedOct 13, 2006
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
Not a bad home if you're a brook trout.
Date AddedOct 13, 2006
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
Date AddedOct 13, 2006
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
Date AddedOct 13, 2006
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
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