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Updates from April 1, 2004

Photos by Troutnut from the Namekagon River in Wisconsin

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This poster shows a mink, but when I made up the poster I thought it was an otter. Now you know why I'm not a trapper. It was a pretty big mink. From the Namekagon River in Wisconsin.
This poster shows a mink, but when I made up the poster I thought it was an otter. Now you know why I'm not a trapper. It was a pretty big mink.
Date TakenApr 1, 2004
Date AddedJan 25, 2006
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A large mink swims around a trout stream in early spring. From the Namekagon River in Wisconsin.
A large mink swims around a trout stream in early spring.
Date TakenApr 1, 2004
Date AddedJan 25, 2006

Underwater photos by Troutnut from Mystery Creek #19, Eddy Creek, and Mystery Creek #90 in Wisconsin

A 4 inch brookie hides from the camera behind a rock under a cut bank. From the Mystery Creek # 19 in Wisconsin.
A 4 inch brookie hides from the camera behind a rock under a cut bank.
Date TakenApr 1, 2004
Date AddedJan 25, 2006
There's one small brook trout running with this school of minnows at the head of a crystal clear spring. From the Mystery Creek # 19 in Wisconsin.
There's one small brook trout running with this school of minnows at the head of a crystal clear spring.
Date AddedJan 25, 2006
There's a brook trout running with this school of creek chubs and common shiners at the head of a crystal clear spring. From the Mystery Creek # 19 in Wisconsin.
There's a brook trout running with this school of creek chubs and common shiners at the head of a crystal clear spring.
Date AddedJan 25, 2006
This stickleback lost fear of the camera after I held it still long enough in the icy water. From Eddy Creek in Wisconsin.
This stickleback lost fear of the camera after I held it still long enough in the icy water.
Date AddedJan 25, 2006
 From the Mystery Creek # 19 in Wisconsin.
Date TakenApr 1, 2004
Date AddedJan 25, 2006
Here a stickleback investigates a little piece of grass in the slack water of a beaver pond on a remote stream rumored to have been great for brook trout at one time.  It's now a swampy hellhole ruined by silt-trapping beaver dams, and I found no trout.  Wading it in early April, when the ground was only half-frozen, was a nightmare. From Eddy Creek in Wisconsin.
Here a stickleback investigates a little piece of grass in the slack water of a beaver pond on a remote stream rumored to have been great for brook trout at one time. It's now a swampy hellhole ruined by silt-trapping beaver dams, and I found no trout. Wading it in early April, when the ground was only half-frozen, was a nightmare.
Date AddedJan 25, 2006
There's a brook trout running with this school of creek chubs and common shiners at the head of a crystal clear spring. From the Mystery Creek # 19 in Wisconsin.
There's a brook trout running with this school of creek chubs and common shiners at the head of a crystal clear spring.
Date AddedJan 25, 2006
A couple tiny aquatic mites are clinging to this rock.  In this picture: Arthropod Order Acari (Mites). From Mystery Creek # 90 in Wisconsin.
A couple tiny aquatic mites are clinging to this rock.

In this picture: Arthropod Order Acari (Mites).
Date TakenApr 1, 2004
Date AddedJan 25, 2006
A small creek chub hides behind a rock under a cut bank. From the Mystery Creek # 19 in Wisconsin.
A small creek chub hides behind a rock under a cut bank.
Date AddedJan 25, 2006
The fresh spring water here is so clear it's hard to believe it's an underwater picture at all. From the Mystery Creek # 19 in Wisconsin.
The fresh spring water here is so clear it's hard to believe it's an underwater picture at all.
Date TakenApr 1, 2004
Date AddedJan 25, 2006
 From the Mystery Creek # 19 in Wisconsin.
Date AddedJan 25, 2006
 From the Mystery Creek # 19 in Wisconsin.
Date AddedJan 25, 2006
 From the Mystery Creek # 19 in Wisconsin.
Date AddedJan 25, 2006
 From the Mystery Creek # 19 in Wisconsin.
Date AddedJan 25, 2006

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