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American Brown Duns

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*Maccaffertium vicarium

This common name refers to only one species.

Mayfly Species Maccaffertium vicarium

These are very rarely called American Brown Duns.
In the East and Midwest this is one of the most important hatches of the Spring. They are large flies which emerge sporadically, making for long days of good fishing.

This species contains the two classic Eastern hatches formerly known as Stenonema vicarium and Stenonema fuscum, the "March Brown" and "Gray Fox." Entomologists have discovered that these mayflies belong to the same species, but they still display differences in appearance which the trout notice easily. Anglers should be prepared to imitate both types.
Maccaffertium vicarium (March Brown) Mayfly NymphMaccaffertium vicarium (March Brown) Mayfly Nymph View 5 Pictures
Collected April 19, 2006 from in
Added to by on April 21, 2006
Male Maccaffertium vicarium (March Brown) Mayfly DunMale Maccaffertium vicarium (March Brown) Mayfly Dun View 10 PicturesI collected this mayfly on the same trip as a female of the same species. After these photos it molted into a spinner. This is the form of Maccaffertium vicarium which anglers call the "Gray Fox."
Collected May 28, 2005 from in
Added to by on May 24, 2006
Female Maccaffertium vicarium (March Brown) Mayfly SpinnerFemale Maccaffertium vicarium (March Brown) Mayfly Spinner View 7 PicturesI collected this mayfly on the same trip as a male of the same species. They are Maccaffertium vicarium mayflies of the type formerly known as Stenonema fuscom, the "Gray Fox."
Collected May 28, 2005 from in
Added to by on May 24, 2006
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