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This common name refers to only one family.

True Bug Family Cicadidae

These are pretty much always called Cicadas.
Though they aren't aquatic, cicadas can end up on the surface of trout streams in great numbers in the rare years when they swarm our forests by the tens of millions. It stands to reason that trout would gorge themselves on cicadas at such times, and I have heard reports of it but never been lucky enough to witness the "cicada hatch" myself.
Cicadidae (Cicadas) Cicada AdultCicadidae (Cicadas) True Bug Adult View 4 PicturesI found this cicada and several like it in the grass near my car as I put my waders on. Some of them were singing in the trees above the river, too, but I did not see any fall into the water.
Collected July 1, 2005 from in
Added to by on April 22, 2006
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