Small Western Gordon Quills
Like most common names, "Small Western Gordon Quill" can refer to more than one taxon. They're previewed below, along with 7 specimens. For more detail click through to the scientific names.
These are sometimes called Small Western Gordon Quills.
There is remarkable variety of form and color within this prolific genus of fast-water mayflies. Different species are found across the country, and several cause good hatches. Fly anglers are likely to encounter the lesser species on occasion, too.
The best
Epeorus hatch in the East is
Epeorus pleuralis, the famous Quill Gordon, the first abundant large mayfly hatch of the year.
Epeorus vitreus comes a little later and is important in both the East and Midwest.
In the West,
Epeorus longimanus dominates in fast, high-altitude streams, while
Epeorus albertae inhabits slower and lower waters.
These are sometimes called Small Western Gordon Quills.
This can be the first mayfly of the season on high mountain streams in the western states, but emerges later in the season in Alaska. It is the most important species of
Cinygmula for anglers.